Marking Time #11 - With our Neighbor: KCSD art teacher Christine Howard

“Time to go outside and play! Make art everywhere, on the sidewalks and in the streets!”

With so much screen time, inside time and alone time, it seems the right time to go outside.

Chalk art painting is a great way to be creative, beautify your neighborhood, have fun and use your imagination. This week’s Marking Time is with our neighbor and KCSD art teacher Christine Howard and her Edson Elementary School students. During this time of online learning, Christine invited her students to create interactive chalk art! 

The earliest form of chalk art dates back to the Stone Age. Chalk painting and chalk painting festivals have grown in popularity throughout the world attracting artists who bring all kinds of ideas and styles to the genre. Some artists create works that interact with the immediate surroundings, objects, or people as actors. 

These can be pretty humorous and we can probably all use a little humor right now.

Prompt: Pick a safe place to create a chalk drawing or painting that has an interactive element. Take a picture and share it with us.

Share: Share on Instagram and Facebook with #thedrawkingston. Tag us @thedrawkingston.

An Edson student’s chalk art

Learn More About Chalk Art

Brief history of sidewalk chalk art

Watch a recipe and directions for lo-fi squeeze bottle chalk paint

Good chalk stick recipe using plaster of paris. 
This is a good middle school DIY project, a little more complex than the cornstarch recipes

Ann Arbor chalk artist/illustrator David Zinn

Check out the work of South African artist Robin Rhode. Inspired by street culture using charcoal, chalk and paint, he created drawings on walls and then performed in front of the drawings. He photographed the interaction between the two-dimensional imagery and three-dimensional performers to capture and critique everyday experiences.

Artist Robin Rhode

Artist Robin Rhode. (Courtesy the artist and Lehmann Maupin, New York and Hong Kong)

An Edson student’s chalk art

An Edson student’s chalk art


Chalk Art by David Zinn @davidzinn

Chalk Art by David Zinn @davidzinn

Chalk Art by David Zinn @davidzinn