Marking Time #10 - Face Masks: Do the Right Thing

What will your mask say?

As we move through the gradual re-opening phases in our communities, we must continue to practice safe social distancing and remember to wear face masks.

Masks communicate respect for others and a willingness to join a civic safety action to save lives. They also make it harder to communicate and a little more difficult to talk and to see/respond to facial expressions. 

Can a face mask overcome the seriousness of this time or communicate beyond its purpose?

Prompt: Design/make or personalize a protective face mask.

Share: Share on Instagram and Facebook with #thedrawkingston. Tag us @thedrawkingston.

Iceland-based artist Ýrúrarí Jóhannsdóttir’s knit facemasks

Palestinian artist Dorgham Krakeh

Local teacher artist Kate Hamilton’s facemask

Some of the masks by Ai Weiwei, Credit via Ai Weiwei Studio

Kennedy Gasper's Thailand-inspired mask. Kennedy Gasper

Learn More about Making Your Own Face Mask

If making your own wearable DIY mask, be aware there is a lot of contradictory information on the Internet. Be sure to read about the face mask pattern and DIY masks from reputable health and government sources and then make your own informed decision for yourself and your family. 

NYS Guidance 

NYS Health Department Infographic 

World Health Organization Guidance

41 Printable Olson & Pleated Face Mask Patterns by Hospitals

Video Tutorial for Hand Stitching a Face Mask

Check out New York State’s Public service announcement contest to see why it’s important to wear a mask. The contest had over 600 entries. Click the image below for each video.
See all the finalists’ and contest winners’ work.