FERVORNOVA: The PUGG-Made Exhibition

By Colin Secore

The members of the Pop-Up Gallery Group have spent many hours exploring various facets of the art world and meeting the artists that constitute it. Now the PUGGs are working together to handle every aspect of the curatorial process and create their own exhibition. It’s called “Fervornova,” a name inspired by the passionate fervor of the artworks chosen to be shown, and the supernova-like qualities of color from the same artworks.

I have worked in PUGG for several years now and have been apart of many projects involving the preparation of exhibitions. I can tell from firsthand experience that the PUGG program is invaluable for guiding youth through the world of artistic careers. With their learned experience in curation, the PUGGs took to curating the show with great intuition. The theme of the show was unanimously decided with how the featured artists were decided without question. From there, the PUGGs worked together to pick out the artworks that best fit their collective vision for the show.

Two former PUGGs have work in the show, their art aligning well with the theme and allowing us an opportunity to give it even more of our own personal touch. The included artists selected by the PUGGs are: Meryl Bennett, Jacinta Bunnell, Nick Carroll, Amy Cote, Micah Fornari, Plegm, Kristen Schiele, and Craig Wood. While their work all share very colorful appearances, color is utilized in both power and play. The exhibition is highly sensational and it’s worthwhile coming and seeing it for the wide variety of feelings that erupt from the work.

PUGG will surely be responsible for more exhibitions in the future with Fervornova just beginning their new relationship with curation. Fervornova opens tomorrow, June 1st, from 4-6 at the D.R.A.W. gallery on 24 Iwo Jima Lane. If you’ve been in support of PUGG and the D.R.A.W. at all over the years, I would highly recommend seeing Fervornova as it will be a big part of PUGG’s legacy.