Welcome to the D.R.A.W.
The Department of Regional Art Workers is a growing community of artists, educators, entrepreneurs and students who believe in the ability of the arts to act as an agent of change.
We believe a strong art education significantly enhances the character, quality of life, and economy of our neighborhoods.
DRAW programming is built on a spiraling intergenerational framework where expertise, interaction and experience generate ongoing community learning.
Curated Shorts: Winter 2019, begins, January 12, 2019
The Department of Regional Art Workers offers our second series of materials exploration workshops, in a variety of media. Meet local artists, sample a few selections from our Curated Shorts or enroll in the whole series. Explore our Winter Schedule.
“Early Bird” by Stephan Lewis
DRAWING: Stephan Lewis
The purpose of this class is to explore the the physical act of ‘drawing”, from its most basic, as a form of mark making, to a more complete language that explores space and volume through a series drawing experiences This class is open to ages 14 and up. Whether you are new to drawing or want to get back into the practice, you will be supported. Read more… Fridays, 6-8pm, January 11 - February 1, 2018 Ages 14 - never too old Register here
Six Sessions: $175.00 Y members , $200.00 General, All materials provided