PUGG High school internship program requirements include: Download an application here
Students make a (tentative) two-year commitment to the program. Interns commit to work a minimum of 54 hrs, after school and during weekends over the course of the school year. Internship students can apply to be paid PUGG work/study Students after they have met their 54 hour training requirements.
· Students maintain a journal, create a resume and write a summary at the end of each semester.
· Students will learn to write press releases, create content for blog posts, use social media for marketing, and assist with gallery exhibit installation and host opening events.
· Students work as studio assistants for teaching artist workshops and participate in studio maintenance.
· Students will be introduced to local arts businesses and will volunteer at local community arts events.
· Students are expected to work/participate as scheduled and meet once a week at a regular planning session. They are also responsible for informing advisors if they are unable to meet their scheduled assignments.
· Students are expected to be available for and participate in several field trip/venue visits.